There’s no doubt that many aspects of life have changed dramatically between the past and the present, and that this difference has influenced the evolution of human civilization. But when we look closely, it seems that people have enjoyed and valued the same little things across countries.
We at Bright Side love looking back and indulging in some nostalgia from time to time, and we invite you to hop in on our time machine and join us for a ride.
1. The ambulance
2. A cosmetic container dating all the way back to 1390 B.C.E.
3. The Statue of Liberty under construction
4. Mug design of the fourth century BCE vs the twenty-first century
5. Vintage beachgoers
6. Circus Maximus
7. True colors of the Acropolis in Athens
8. A fifteenth-century toy car
9. A hot air balloon wedding ride was apparently a thing in the 1800s.
10. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
11. Ancient board game
12. Nineteenth-century first aid kit
13. How people told time before smartphones
14. Women’s bath clogs from the 1800s
15. A perfume vase from the fifth century B.C.E.
16. Temple of Hadrian in Ephesus
Can you think of any other items or activities that should be on this list? Do you agree with people who say that life was way more interesting in ancient times? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.
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